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Monday, May 21, 2012

(Late) Eclipse Post

Again, sorry, I've been really forgetful for a while, but I can make up for it with a video of the eclipse that happened yesterday, right? Here it is! It was so cool! The sucky part was that I drove to Reno the day before, the next day I spent like 5 hours in the heat, and there were no clouds. Once I got back to Reno, which my dad said would be a good place to see it, the entire western hemisphere of the sky, where the eclipse was happening, was covered with huge thick clouds, especially during the full ring. Clear skies the whole day and cloudy only in the part of the sky where eclipse was happening, while it was happening. That is a weird coincidence, right. Please post your thoughts on this in a comment or e-mail me at

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Brother's Birhday Post

Again, sorry for not posting last week, I've been getting more and more forgetful lately. Anyways, my brother's birthday was last Saturday. Here's a video to make up for that though! This goes out to all you Minecraft players, it's called The infiltration. I don't know what it's about, though, I haven't gotten around to watching it, yet. Also, if you know how to  make a bukkit server, please leave a post. Thanks!